Congratulations to the following Winners of the video footage contest and winners of a FREE Mooz-3 3-D Printer!

Marilyn Christensen of Whitesides Elementary

John Petersen of Ridgeline High School

Adam Truex of Doherty High School

Thank you all for participating in our video contest and thank you for your submissions! We hope that you enjoyed submitting these as much as we have enjoyed viewing the submissions and we are glad to see how the Dobot Magician is making a positive impact in the educational world.

Copley Update: COVID-19 Hits Ohio

Copley Update: COVID-19 Hits Ohio

With the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), schools across the country are closing to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus. Copley High School is among the schools who have canceled classes and Kirby Harder, Head of the Engineering Department at Copley, has...

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