With the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), schools across the country are closing to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus. Copley High School is among the schools who have canceled classes and Kirby Harder, Head of the Engineering Department at Copley, has provided the following update:

I just wanted to keep you in the loop. My school is closed for the next 32 days (we are not allowed in or to work with students). Our robotics competition that we have been working on for the last 2 months has been canceled.

On a positive note, we did get the motion sensor and color sensor working with one robot, sort of. The kids are making great progress in the troubleshooting. Her is what they did…..I decided to break the problem down into simple steps Instead of trying to make the whole sorting system work at once.

Here is what they have overcome so far:

• Stopping the conveyor with the motion sensor
• Picking up a block and placing it on the color sensor
• Identifying the color
• Placing the colored block on a point on the table

What they hope to overcome:

• Placing colored blocks on specific points
• Connecting to Robot 2
• Picking up blocks from a grid and having them sorted/stacked at the end.

We will continue to post updates as we receive them from Kirby within the next few weeks. In the meantime, please stay safe and feel free to reach out to our Dobot.us team with any questions or concerns. Thank you.